Explore our graduate courses below.
A list of all our courses is provided in the Graduate School Catalog. The schedule for the present and coming semester is available on Testudo.
In a typical year our graduate courses include at least those listed below, except that 663 and 678 are biennial. The courses here are all 3 credits, except where noted. Other classes from our catalog are offered in accord with student and faculty interests. There may be more than one 889 in a semester. Lab meetings, reading groups and directed studies supplement the courses.
Regular courses
- LING 610, “Syntactic Theory”
- LING 611, “Issues in Syntax”
- LING 678, “Linguistic Field Methods” (two consecutive semesters)
- LING 819, “Seminar in Syntactic Theory”
- LING 620, “Phonological Theory”
- LING 621, “Issues in Phonology”
- LING 640, “Psycholinguistics”
- LING 641, “Issues in Psycholinguistics”
- LING 644, “Language Acquisition”
- LING 646, “Cognitive Neuroscience of Language”
- LING 849, “Seminar in Psycholinguistics”
- LING 869, “Seminar in Neurolinguistics”
- LING 660, “Introduction to Semantics”
- LING 661, “Issues in Semantics”
- LING 663, “Pragmatics”
- LING 879, “Seminar in Semantics”
- LING 723, “Computational Linguistics”
- LING 848, “Seminar in Computational Linguistics”
- LING 889, “Independent Study/Directed Research” (1-8 credits)
Course section number
[LING 689, 698, 798, 799, 896, 888, 889, 898, 899]
- 0301 Tonia Bleam
- 0401 Jeff Lidz
- 0501 Andrea Zukowski
- 0601 Juan Uriagereka
- 0801 William Idsardi
- 0901 Philip Resnik
- 1001 Maria Polinsky
- 1201 Colin Phillips
- 1301 Peggy Antonisse
- 1401 Valentine Hacquard
- 1501 Alexander Williams
- 1601 Naomi Feldman
- 1701 Ellen Lau
- 1801 Aron Hirsch
- 1901 Kate Mooney
- 2001 Omar Agha