Ph.D. Program
The Ph.D. program in linguistics is designed with the interdisciplinary research goals of the department in mind.
Our curriculum aims to combine the best features of the knowledge-intensive model that is common in the humanities and the skills-intensive apprenticeship model that is more common in the physical and life sciences. The course requirements provide more flexibility than most linguistics programs, allowing students to acquire the broad training that is most appropriate to individual goals. Course loads are designed to leave time for students to become involved in original research at an early stage of the program. Many students continue to pursue research in multiple areas through their dissertation, and it is common for students to be co-advised by multiple faculty members.

Join a community where new ideas develop in conversation, stimulated by the steady activity of our labs and research groups, frequent student meetings with faculty and regular talks by local and invited scholars. Discover how to apply.

Our internationally recognized Ph.D. program combines current theoretical research in phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics with state-of-the-art experimental research in psycholinguistics, first language acquisition, language processing, neurolinguistics and computational linguistics. Explore our curriculum.

Living Here
Our area also offers special resources for linguists. It is home to speakers of countless languages from around the world and home base to many national research agencies, including the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health and the Linguistic Society of America. Learn more about living here.
Who to Contact
Valentine Hacquard
Professor, Linguistics
Affliliate Professor, Philosophy
Member, Maryland Language Science Center
1401 F Marie Mount Hall
College Park
Jeffrey Lidz
Professor and Chair, Linguistics
Member, Maryland Language Science Center
1413 Marie Mount Hall
College Park
Alexander Williams
Associate Professor, Linguistics
Associate Professor, Philosophy
Member, Maryland Language Science Center
1401 D Marie Mount Hall
College Park