Language Science Community
Our department plays a leading role in the largest and most integrated language science research community in North America
The University of Maryland is home to over 200 language scientists in more than 20 different departments and centers, including many faculty closely affiliated with Linguistics, as well as visitors to our department. The Maryland Language Science Center provides a channel for their mutual communication, and creates opportunities for education and research across units and disciplines, at the undergraduate, graduate and faculty levels. The culture thrives after an exceptional series of two grants from the National Science Foundation, 2008-2015 and 2015-2021, to develop graduate training in the language sciences.
Contributing units
Linguistics, Hearing and Speech Sciences, Computer Science, Second Language Acquisition, Philosophy, Psychology, Program in Neuroscience and Cognitive Science, Infant + Child Studies Consortium, iSchool, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology, University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, Counseling, Higher Education, and Special Education, Teaching and Learning Policy and Leadership, National Foreign Language Center, Graduate Studies in Interpreting and Translation, English, Communication, Language and Literacy Research Center, Institute for Systems Research
Closely affiliated faculty
College of Education
- Min Wang, Literacy, bilingualism
- Jeff MacSwan, Bilingualism
- DJ Bolger, Neuroscience
College of Information Studies
- Doug Oard, Information retrieval
Department of Computer Science
- Rachel Rudinger, Natural language understanding, computational semantics
- Hal Daumé III, Natural language processing, machine learning
- Marine Carpuat, Natural language processing, machine translation
- Jordan Boyd-Graber, Machine learning, data science, natural language processing
Department of English
- Michael Israel, Semantics, pragmatics, language acquisition
Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences
- Rochelle Newman, Infant language acquisition, speech perception, psycholinguistics
- Yi Ting Huang, Language acquisition, language processing
- Jared Novick, Psycholinguistics, cognitive neuroscience
- Nan Bernstein Ratner, Normal and atypical language development, stuttering
Department of Philosophy
- Jeff Horty, Philosophical logic, artificial intelligence
- Eric Pacuit, Modal logic, game theory, formal epistemology
- Georges Rey, Philosophy of mind, cognitive science
- Paolo Santorio, Philosophy of language, semantics
- Fabrizio Cariani, Philosophy of language, semantics, social epistemology
- Peter Carruthers, Philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, philosophy of psychology
Department of Psychology
- Elizabeth Redcay, Developmental cognitive neuroscience
- Robert Slevc, Language production, language impairments
Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Jonathan Simon, Neural auditory computation, computational neuroscience
- Carol Espy-Wilson, Digital speech processing
Second Language Acquisition Program, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
- Kira Gor, Second-language acquisition
Sharon Goldwater (Fall 2023)
David Embick, Elena Simonato, Alexey Koslov, Morgan Sonderegger, Marcelo Ferreira, Elaine Grolla, Hailin Hao, Jeffrey Heinz, Alice Jesus, Meg Cychosz, Daisuke Hirai, Mastaka Yano, Sergio López Sancio, Saskia Ottschofski, Caitlin Meyer, Jesse Harris, Atsushi Yuhaku, Anamaria Bentea, Regine Lai, Christian Brodbeck, Pranav Anand, Iria de dios Flores, Zuzanna Fuchs, Alex de Carvalho, Marta Ruda, Emily Darley, Lyn Shan Tieu, Rerisson Cavalcante, Kwang-sup Kim, Roumyana Pancheva, and others.