Jéssica to Göttingen for 5-year postdoc
October 28, 2024

Exploring negative polarity with Zeijlstra.
Congratulations to recent graduate Jéssica Mendes, who has been hired for a five-year postdoctoral research position at the Georg-August University in Göttingen with Hedde Zeijlstra, as a part of his project on Unpacking Paradigmatic Gaps, funded by the European Research Council, focusing "primarily on the semantics of negation, polarity-sensitivity and locality." Jéssica recently completed her dissertation, "Future reference 'without' future morphology," supervised by Valentine Hacquard and Paolo Santorio, with a committee also including Aron Hirsch and Fabrizio Cariani, as well as Yi Ting Huang as the Dean's Representative. She now heads to the center of Germany, and a university which graduated the Brothers Grimm, and had both Gauss and Hilbert on its faculty.