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Maryland psycholinguistics in Iceland

June 21, 2019 Linguistics

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Parsing and Prediction' in Reykjavík has work by Phoebe Gaston and Hanna Muller, along with Ellen Lau and Colin Phillips, and a number of past visitors, Baggetts, and alumni.

June 19-21, Parsing and Prediction in Reykjavík has work by Phoebe Gaston and Hanna Muller, along with Ellen Lau and Colin Phillips, and a number of past visitors, Baggetts, and alumni. Here are the talks by current Marylanders: * Phoebe Gaston, Ellen Lau and Colin Phillips, Facilitation vs. inhibition as mechanisms for syntactic constraints on word recognition * Hanna Muller, Iria de Dios Flores and Colin Phillips, Not (just) any licensors cause negative polarity illusions * Colin Phillips, Successes and Failures of Prediction (keynote)