Maryland in Rotterdam for CogSci
July 14, 2024

On perceiving speech and events.
July 24-27 the Cognitive Science Society docks in the port of Rotterdam for its annual conference, and features four presentations with Maryland authors, present and past: Leslie, Naomi, Alexander and Jeff; PhD alum Laurel Perkins, now faculty at UCLA, with her own PhD student Katya Khlystova; former Baggett Grace Brown, a PhD student at Stanford; and former postdoc Thomas Schatz, who is faculty at Marseilles. One of the papers – in which Naomi joins an Edinburgh crew of Oli Danyi Liu, Hao Tang and recent department visitor Sharon Goldwater – also won this year's Computational Modeling Prize for Perception and Action.
- Visual perception supports 4-place event representations: A case study of TRADING / Ekaterina Khlystova, Alexander Williams, Jeffrey Lidz and Laurel Perkins
- A predictive learning model can simulate temporal dynamics and context effects found in neural representations of continuous speech / Oli Danyi Liu, Hao Tang, Naomi H. Feldman and Sharon Goldwater
- Language Discrimination May Not Rely on Rhythm: A Computational Study / Ruolan Leslie Famularo, Ali Aboelata, Thomas Schatz and Naomi H. Feldman
- Linking cognitive and neural models of audiovisual processing to explore speech perception in autism / Grace Brown and Naomi H. Feldman