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Masha, Annemarie and Sigwan in Tblisi teaching syntax and semantics

August 29, 2018 Linguistics

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The South Caucasian Chalk Circle hosts its second annual Summer School in linguistics, at Ilia State University in Tblisi, codirected by Maria Polinsky and Léa Nash.

September 3-11, the South Caucasian Chalk Circle hosts its second annual Summer School in linguistics, at Ilia State University, codirected by Maria Polinsky and Léa Nash. Handling syntax and semantics at the school will be Masha (with Léa Nash) and Annemarie van Dooren. Masha's syntax class will feature a guest lecture by Sigwan Thivierge. The SCCC derives its name from a 1948 play by Bertold Brecht ("The Caucasian Chalk Circle"), which reworked Brecht's earlier play "The Augsburg Chalk Circle", which was inspired by a 14th Century play by Li Xingdao ("The Chalk Circle").