NSF funds Philip for models of social decision
August 11, 2020
Support for project to use metadata and language as statistical predictors of when two individuals will make the same choice and why.
Congrats to <a href="http://users.umiacs.umd.edu/~resnik/">Philip Resnik</a> whose project on <a href="https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2008761&HistoricalAwards=false">Modeling Co-Decisions</a> has won NSF support. The project is aimed at better understanding decision-making by looking at both metadata and language as sources of information helping to predict when two individuals will make the same choice and why. With CoPI <a href="https://cdce.umd.edu/facultyprofile/miler/kris">Kris Miler</a>, Assistant Professor in our Department of Government and Politics , Philip will develop new computational models of co-decision in political contexts (co-voting), look at substantive questions about legislative decision-making, and also go beyond the political domain to look at decisions about citation in the scientific literature.