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Psycho Linguists again rock Ragnar

September 13, 2014 Linguistics

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Hail to 12 Maryland language scientists and alums, plus their crew, who ran the Ragnar Relay in 28hrs 59mins 30secs on 12-13 September 2014.

Hail to 12 Maryland language scientists and alums, plus their crew, who ran the Ragnar Relay in 28hrs 59mins 30secs on 12-13 September 2014. The relay stretched over an epic 200-mile route from Cumberland, in the western tip of Maryland, "east through thick forest trails and scenic paths [...] through the quiet streets of many charming historic Civil War-Era towns," pausing for the now traditional petits déjeuners chez Hornstein and Weinberg, ending ultimately at the National Harbor just down the Potomac from Washington DC. Each runner covered 3 of the 36 legs, covering a total of 13-22 miles. The crew began on Friday morning, then ran continuously for around 28 hours and 59 minutes and 30 seconds, running many legs at night, through early autumnal drizzles, ending around 3pm on Saturday. An inspiring feat by runners Aaron Steven White, Alison Shell, Alix Kowalski, Andrea Zukowski, Anton Malko, Bob Slevc, Brad Larson, Dustin Chacón, Jeffrey Lidz, Nina Hsu, Shevaun Lewis and Shota Momma. Bravo also to this year's tireless support crew.