Rachel Dudley to San Diego
July 04, 2024

Assistant Professor of Linguistics at UCSD.
Huge congratulations to alum Rachel Dudley *17, who has been appointed Assistant Professor of Linguistics at the University of California at San Diego, joining former Maryland postdoc, Professor Ivano Caponigro, as a Triton.
At Maryland Rachel was supervised by Valentine and Jeff, with an advising squad that also included Alexander and Meredith Rowe (now at Harvard). Her dissertation, "The role of input in discovering presuppositions triggers: Figuring out what everybody already knew", was about how children come to use know factively, understanding not only what mental state it labels, but that the interlocutors take it for granted that the content of that state is true. She then moved to Paris for a postdoc with Salvador Mascarenhas and Emmanuel Chemla in the Département d'Etudes Cognitives in the Ecole Normale Supérieure, and next to the Hungarian capital of Budapest for a postdoc with Ágnes Kovács and Ernő Téglás at Central European University in its Department of Cognitive Science and Cognitive Development Center, looking at preverbal infants' reasoning with negation and disjunction.
Rachel is among eight 21st Century Terrapins to find her professional home at a university in California, joining Lisa Pearl *07 (Irvine), Matt Wagers *08 (Santa Cruz), Tim Hunter *10 (UCLA), Alexis Wellwood *14 (USC), Laurel Perkins *19 (UCLA), Rodrigo Ranero *21 (UCLA), and (just this year) Dustin Chacón *15 (Santa Cruz).