Terpitude in LA at the 28th CUNY
March 09, 2015
The CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing at USC hosts 40 presentations by 30 UMD students, faculty, RAs, alumni, postdocs and visitors, drawn from Linguistics, HESP, CASL, NACS, Psychology and Philosophy.
March 19-21 at USC, the CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing hosts 40 presentations by 30 UMD students, faculty, RAs, alumni, postdocs and visitors, drawn from Linguistics, HESP, CASL, NACS, Psychology and Philosophy. This makes for about 15% of the total program. Our presenters are Dustin, Jeffrey Green, Shota, Zoe, Ellen, Colin and Alexander from Linguistics; RA Julia Buffinton; BA alumna and current RA Anna Namyst; alumni Brian Dillon '11, Dave Kush '13, Diogo Almeida '09, Jon Sprouse '07, Masaya Yoshida '06, Matt Wagers '08, Nina Kazanini '05, Sol Lago '14, Wing-Yee Chow '13; 2005-7 postdoc Ming Xiang; 2001-2 visitor Natalia Slioussar; 2010-1 Baggett alumnus Shayne Sloggett; Mike McCourt from Philosophy; Bob Slevc from Psychology; Alix Kowalski, Yi Ting Huang and Rochelle Newman and Matt Goupell from HESP; NACS alumna Erika Hussey; plus Nina Hsu and Jared Novick from CASL. * Talks with present Terps 1. Bob Slevc, "Parses of corrected errors persist" 2. Michael McCourt, Jeffrey Green, Ellen Lau and Alexander Williams, "Syntax or discourse: Processing implicit control from passives" 3. Nina Hsu and Jared Novick, "Dynamic engagement of cognitive control facilitates recovery from misinterpretation" 4. Shota Momma, Hiromu Saki and Colin Phillips "Give me several hundred more milliseconds: The temporal dynamics of verb prediction" 5. Sol Lago, Anna Namyst and Ellen Lau, "N400 semantic expectation effects provide evidence for rapid pronoun resolution" 6. Yi Ting Huang, Rochelle Newman, Allison Catalano and Matthew Goupell, "Using prosody to infer discourse status in normal-hearing and cochlear-implant listeners"* Posters with present Terps 1. Alix Kowalski and Yi Ting Huang, "The influence of discourse information on syntactic cues to grammatical role assignment" 2. Dustin Chacón and Colin Phillips, "When resumptive pronouns complete unbounded dependencies they do so inadvertently" 3. Shota Momma, Bob Slevc and Colin Phillips, "The timing of verb planning in active and passive sentence production" 4. Wing Yee Chow, Ilia Kurenkov, Julia Buffinton, Becca Kraut and Colin Phillips, "How predictions change over time: Evidence from an online cloze paradigm" 5. Zoe Schlueter and Ellen Lau, "How quickly is Definiteness Information incorporated into Comprehender Expectations?"
* Talks with past Terps 1. Laurel Brehm, Erika Hussey and Kiel Christianson, "Cue strength and executive function in agreement comprehension" 2. Michael Frazier, Peter Baumann, Lauren Ackerman, David Potter and Masaya Yoshida, "Does wh-filler-gap dependency formation resolve local ambiguity?"
* Posters with past Terps 1. Lauren Ackerman, Nina Kazanina and Masaya Yoshida, "Does the cataphoric dependency formation help the parser resolve local ambiguity?" 2. Helena Aparicio, Ming Xiang and Chris Kennedy, "Online processing of relative vs. absolute adjectives: A visual world study" 3. Aaron Apple and Akira Omaki, "Development of sentential complement ambiguity processing" 4. Peter Baumann and Masaya Yoshida, "A psycholinguist asking who binds himself: Interference effects in the processing of reflexives" 5. Peter Baumann, Nina Kazanina and Masaya Yoshida, "Online processing respects a pragmatic constraint or Hurford's constraint" 6. Peter Baumann, Kathleen Hall, Nayoun Kim, R. Alexander Schumacher and Masaya Yoshida, "The processing of adjunct wh-questions" 7. Daria Chernova and Natalia Slioussar, "The time course of syntactic ambiguity processing: Evidence from Russian" 8. Wing-Yee Chow and Manuel Carreiras, "Effects of ergative case marking in online verb predictions: ERP evidence from Basque" 9. Wing-Yee Chow and Manuel Carreiras, "Effects of verb transitivity on subject-verb agreement processing: ERP evidence from Basque" 10. Scarlett Clothier-Goldschmidt and Matt Wagers, "Grammatical Person, Pronouns and the Subject-Object Asymmetry in Relative Clauses" 11. Brian Dillon, Charles Clifton, Shayne Sloggett and Lyn Frazier, "Only some relative clauses cause retrieval interference in filler-gap processing" 12. Brian Dillon, Adrian Staub, Joshua Levy and Charles Clifton, "Distinguishing discrete from gradient grammaticality using Likert scale data" 13. Julie Franck and Matt Wagers, "Hierarchical structure and memory retrieval mechanisms in attraction: A SAT study" 14. Margaret Grant, Brian Dillon and Shayne Sloggett, "Similarities in processing attachment and pronominal ambiguities" 15. Kathleen Hall and Masaya Yoshida, "Parallelism in pronoun-antecedent dependency resolution" 16. Erika Hussey, Kiel Christianson, Nathan Ward, Michael Nosek and Arthur Kramer, "Stimulation of executive control regions influences garden-path recovery" 17. Michael Frazier and Masaya Yoshida, "Morphological and syntactic cues in the processing of gapping" 18. Dave Kush and Julie Van Dyke, "When the gap-filling gets tough: Resolving multiple filler-gap dependencies" 19. Sol Lago and Claudia Felser, "Computation of number agreement in native and non-native speakers of German" 20. R. Alexander Schumacher and Masaya Yoshida, "Verb subcategorization and syntactic prediction" 21. Natalia Slioussar and Natalia Cherepovskaia, "Number, gender and case feature interaction in processing: Evidence from Russian" 22. Shayne Sloggett and Brian Dillon, "Interference in reflexives is the result of a logophoric interpretation" 23. Anya Stetsenko, Tatiana Matushkina and Natalia Slioussar, "Agreement attraction errors and Russian case syncretism: Production experiments" 24. Matthew Tucker, Ali Idrissi and Diogo Almeida, "Plural type matters for on-line processing: Self-paced reading evidence from Arabic" 25. Matthew Tucker, Ali Idrissi, Jon Sprouse and Diogo Almeida, "Resumption ameliorates but does not repair island violations: Evidence from Modern Standard Arabic acceptability" 26. Sandra Villata, Brian McElree, Matt Wagers and Julie Franck, "Temporal dynamics of weak islands: A speed-accuracy trade-off study" 27. Ming Xiang, Juanhua Yang and Suiping Wang, "Classifier mismatch in ellipsis resolution"