Terrapins take Sicily by SuB
September 19, 2024
Alternatives, conditionals, modality and plurals.
September 16-20, the 29th Sinn und Bedeutung conference is in the Sicilian Province of Syracuse at the Consorzio Universtario Medterraneo Orientale in Noto – the last Saracen stronghold in Sicily to fall to the Normans under the command of Roger Bosso – and it features six presentations from seven present and recently graduated Marylanders: Aron, Caleb, Fedya, Jéssica, Jingyi, Sarah and Valentine.
- Aron Hirsch and Bernhard Schwarz / Constraining alternatives [talk]
- Varvara Tiutiunnikova, Stiopa Mikhailov and Fëdor Golosov / No iota type-shift in Kazym Khanty [talk]
- Jéssica Mendes / Covert modality in future-oriented finite clauses [alternate talk]
- Sarah Boukendour / Perfection is conditional on speech acts [poster]
- Jingyi Chen and Valentine Hacquard / Anankastic Conditionals as harmonizing modals [poster]
- Jonathan Caleb Kendrick / A local solution to the Samaritan Paradox [poster]