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Zoe Schlueter to postdoc in Tromsø

August 26, 2019 Linguistics

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Zoe Schlueter *17 is now a postdoc with Jason Rothman at the Artic University of Norway in Tromsø.

Congratulations to 2017 alum Zoe Schlueter, now a postdoc with Jason Rothman at the Artic University of Norway in Tromsø. Zoe is doing EEG/ERP work within a project called Heritage-Bilingual Linguistic Proficiency In the Native Grammar, led by Professor Rothman. Since finishing her dissertation, "Memory Retrieval in Parsing and Interpretation," Zoe has been at Edinburgh, working as a postdoctoral researcher with Chris Cummins and Antonella Sorace on a project on bilingualism, pragmatic enrichment and reasoning biases.