Tyler Knowlton to join MindCORE at Penn as postdoctoral fellow
May 18, 2021
Continuing his work on the mental representation of quantifiers, with five new mentors.
Congratulations to Tyler Knowlton, who has accepted a position as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Pennsylvania's Mind Center for Outreach, Research, and Education, "an interdisciplinary effort to understand human intelligence and behavior [that] bring[s] together faculty [...] from Psychology, Biology, Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, and Physics to Economics, Linguistics, Political Science, Sociology, and Philosophy." The competitive fellowship provides Tyler with a group of five mentors, which Tyler expects will be John Trueswell and Liz Brannon from Psychology, Anna Papafragou and Florian Schwarz from Linguistics, and Scott Weinstein from Philosophy. Tyler plans to begin by continuing the line of research in his dissertation, on the mental representation and acquisition of meanings for quantificational determiners, starting with replication of his studies in other languages, like Italian and German, and acquisition studies with Penn PhD student Victor Gomes. But with a three year term to the fellowship, there will be time for new directions to develop as well, only a few miles away from Tyler's childhood home across the Delaware River.