Tyler wins Young Scholar award at CUNY
March 21, 2020
Tyler Knowlton has won the Katz Young Scholar Award at the 32nd CUNY Converence on Human Sentence Processing.
Congratulations to Tyler Knowlton, winner of the Jerrold J. Katz Young Scholar Award at the 32nd CUNY, for his paper "The mental representation of universal quantifiers: Evidence from verification." Named in memory of Jerry Katz, the award "recognizes the paper or poster presented at the Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing that best exhibits the qualities of intellectual rigor, creativity, and independence of thought exemplified in Professor Katz’s life and work." Tyler's paper, with co-authors Jeffrey Lidz, Paul Pietroski, Alexander Williams and Justin Halberda, marshals behavioral evidence to argue that the Conservativity of quantificational determiners, such as every, follows from their being mentally represented, not as relations between two sets, but rather as one-place quantifiers relativized to a domain. With this award Tyler joins two previous alumni winners: Sol Lago and Wing Yee Chow in 2011, jointly, for “Word frequency affects pronouns and antecedents identically: Distributional evidence," and Dan Parker in 2014, for "Time heals semantic illusions, but not syntactic illusions." Both of those presentations were co-authored with Colin Phillips, who was also a partner in two other winning papers, with Andrew Nevins in 2004 for “Syntactic and semantic predictors of tense: An ERP investigation of Hindi," and with Sachiko Aoshima in 2005, for "The source of the bias for longer filler-gap dependencies in Japanese."