Research at our top-ranked department spans syntax, semantics, phonology, language acquisition, computational linguistics, psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics.
Connections between our core competencies are strong, with theoretical, experimental and computational work typically pursued in tandem.
A network of collaboration at all levels sustains a research climate that is both vigorous and friendly. Here new ideas develop in conversation, stimulated by the steady activity of our labs and research groups, frequent student meetings with faculty, regular talks by local and invited scholars and collaborations with the broader University of Maryland language science community, the largest and most integrated language science research community in North America.
The semantics and pragmatics of belief reports in preschoolers
Children under 4 respond in nonadultlike ways to uses of verbs like "think". Shevaun, Valentine and Jeff argue that this arise from pragmatic difficulty understanding the relevance of belief, rather than from conceptual or semantic immaturity.
Non-ARHU Contributor(s):
Shevaun Lewis
Children under 4 years have been claimed to lack adult-like semantic representations of belief verbs like think. Based on two experiments involving a truth-value judgment task, we argue that 4-year olds' apparently deviant interpretations arise from pragmatic difficulty understanding the relevance of belief, rather than from conceptual or semantic immaturity.
A single stage approach to learning phonological categories: Insights from Inuktitut
Much research presumes that we acquire phonetic categories before abstracting phonological categories. Ewan Dunbar argues that this two-step progression is unnecessary, with a Bayesian model for the acquisition of Inuktitut vowels.
Contributor(s):William Idsardi Non-ARHU Contributor(s):
Brian W Dillion, Ewan Dunbar,
We argue that there is an implicit view in psycholinguistics that phonological acquisition is a 'two-stage' process: phonetic categories are first acquired, and then subsequently mapped onto abstract phoneme categories. We present simulations that suggest two problems with this view: first, the learner might mistake the phoneme-level categories for phonetic-level categories and thus be unable to learn the relationships between phonetic-level categories; on the other hand, the learner might construct inaccurate phonetic-level representations that prevent it from finding regular relations among them. We suggest an alternative conception of the phonological acquisition problem that sidesteps this apparent inevitability, and present a Bayesian model that acquires phonemic categories in a single stage. Using acoustic data from Inuktitut, we show that this model reliably converges on a set of phoneme-level categories and phonetic-level relations among subcategories, without making use of a lexicon.
On Headless XP Movement/Ellipsis
Kenshi Funakoshi adapts the theory of movement in syntax.
Non-ARHU Contributor(s):
Kenshi Funakoshi
I make two proposals in this article: (a) an economy condition on the operation Copy, which states that Copy should apply to as small an element as possible, and (b) the “two types of head movement” hypothesis, which states that Universal Grammar allows head movement via substitution as well as head movement via adjunction. I argue that with these proposals, we can not only explain two generalizations about what I call headless XPs, but also attribute crosslinguistic variation in the applicability of these generalizations to parameters that are responsible for the availability of multiple specifiers.
This paper develops the observation that, for many predicates, Null Complement Anaphora (NCA) is like anaphora with a descriptively empty definite description (Condoravdi & Gawron 1996, Gauker 2012). I consider how to distinguish this sort of NCA from pronouns theoretically, and then observe an unnoticed exception to the pattern. For verbs like notice, NCA is neither like a definite description nor like a pronoun, raising a new puzzle of how to represent it.
On restructuring infinitives in Japanese: Adjunction, clausal architecture, and phases
Postdoc Masahiko Takahashi investigates the variety of restructuring verbs in Japanese.
Non-ARHU Contributor(s):
Masahiko Takahashi
This paper investigates the syntax of Japanese restructuring verbs and makes two major claims: (i) there are (at least) three types of restructuring infinitives in Japanese, which is consistent with Wurmbrand's (2001) approach to restructuring infinitives and (ii) there is a general ban on adjunction to complements of lexical restructuring verbs, which is best explained by an interaction of spell-out domains and Case-valuation. It is also shown that this ban regulates adverb insertion, adjective insertion, and quantifier raising.
Tim Hunter and Jeff Lidz find evidence that 4- to 5-year olds expect determiner meanings to be Conservative
Contributor(s):Jeffrey Lidz Non-ARHU Contributor(s):
Tim Hunter
A striking cross-linguistic generalization about the semantics of determiners is that they never express non-conservative relations. To account for this one might hypothesize that the mechanisms underlying human language acquisition are unsuited to non-conservative determiner meanings. We present experimental evidence that 4- and 5-year-olds fail to learn a novel non-conservative determiner but succeed in learning a comparable conservative determiner, consistent with the learnability hypothesis.
Embedding epistemic modals in English: A corpus-based study
A corpus study on the distribution of epistemic modals, targeted at the question of whether such modals do or do not contribute to the content of their sentences.
The question of whether epistemic modals contribute to the truth conditions of the sentences they appear in is a matter of active debate in the literature. Fueling this debate is the lack of consensus about the extent to which epistemics can appear in the scope of other operators. This corpus study investigates the distribution of epistemics in naturalistic data. Our results indicate that they do embed, supporting the view that they contribute semantic content. However, their distribution is limited, compared to that of other modals. This limited distribution seems to call for a nuanced account: while epistemics are semantically contentful, they may require special licensing conditions.
Young Children's Understanding of "more" and Discrimination of Number and Surface Area
How do three-year-olds understand "more"? This study suggests they use Approximate Number System in verifying claims with "more" and a count noun, and an Approximate Area System with mass nouns.
Non-ARHU Contributor(s):
Darko Odic, Tim Hunter, Justin Halberda
The psychology supporting the use of quantifier words (e.g., “some,” “most,” “more”) is of interest to both scientists studying quantity representation (e.g., number, area) and to scientists and linguists studying the syntax and semantics of these terms. Understanding quantifiers requires both a mastery of the linguistic representations and a connection with cognitive representations of quantity. Some words (e.g., “many”) refer to only a single dimension, whereas others, like the comparative “more,” refer to comparison by numeric (“more dots”) or nonnumeric dimensions (“more goo”). In the present work, we ask 2 questions. First, when do children begin to understand the word “more” as used to compare nonnumeric substances and collections of discrete objects? Second, what is the underlying psychophysical character of the cognitive representations children utilize to verify such sentences? We find that children can understand and verify sentences including “more goo” and “more dots” at around 3.3 years—younger than some previous studies have suggested—and that children employ the Approximate Number System and an Approximate Area System in verification. These systems share a common underlying format (i.e., Gaussian representations with scalar variability). The similarity in the age of onset we find for understanding “more” in number and area contexts, along with the similar psycho- physical character we demonstrate for these underlying cognitive representations, suggests that children may learn “more” as a domain-neutral comparative term.
Derivational order in syntax: Evidence and architectural consequences
A précis of the evidence for left‐to‐right derivations in syntax, and how this relates to the nature of real‐time mechanisms for building linguistic structure.
Contributor(s):Colin Phillips Non-ARHU Contributor(s):
Shevaun Lewis
Dates: Publisher:
Standard generative grammars describe language in terms that appear distant from considerations of everyday, real‐time language processes. To some this is a critical flaw, while to others this is a clear virtue. One type of generative grammar defines a well‐formed sentence as a static, structured representation that simultaneously satisfies all relevant constraints of the language, with no regard to how the representation is assembled (e.g., Sag, Wasow, & Bender, 2003). Another type of generative grammar defines a well‐formed sentence as a derivation, or sequence of representations, that describes how the sentence is gradually assembled, often including various transformations that move words or phrases from one position to another in a structure. In the most popular current version of the derivational approach, derivations proceed ‘upwards’, starting from the most deeply embedded terminal elements in the sentence, which are often towards the right of a sentence (e.g., Chomsky, 1995; Carnie, 2006). Such derivations tend to proceed in a right‐to‐left order, which is probably the opposite of the order in which sentences are assembled in everyday tasks such as speaking and understanding. Since these theories make no claim to being accounts of such everyday processes, the discrepancy causes little concern among the theories' creators. Generative grammars are typically framed as theories of speakers’ task‐independent knowledge of their language, and these are understood to be distinct from theories of how specific communicative tasks might put that knowledge to use.
Set against this background are a number of recent proposals that various linguistic phenomena can be better understood in terms of derivations that incrementally assemble structures in a (roughly) left‐to‐right order. One can evaluate these proposals based simply on how well they capture the acceptability judgments that they aim to explain, i.e., standard conditions of 'descriptive adequacy'. But it is hard to avoid the question of whether it is mere coincidence that left‐to‐right derivations track the order in which sentences are spoken and understood. It is also natural to ask how left‐to‐right derivations impact the psychological commitments of grammatical theories. Are they procedural descriptions of how speakers put together sentences in real time (either in comprehension or in production)? Do they amount to a retreat from linguists’ traditional agnosticism about ‘performance mechanisms’? These are questions about what a grammatical theory is a theory of, and they are the proverbial elephant in the room in discussions of left‐to‐right derivations in syntax, although the issues have not been explored in much detail. Here we summarize the current state of some of the evidence for left‐to‐right derivations in syntax, and how this relates to a number of findings by our group and others on the nature of real‐time structure building mechanisms. Some of these questions have been aired in previous work (e.g., Phillips 1996, 2004), but we have come to believe that the slogan from that earlier work (“the parser is the grammar”) is misleading in a number of respects, and we offer an updated position here.
Input and Intake in Language Acquisition
Acquiring a grammar involves representing the environment and making statistical inferences within a space of linguistic hypotheses. Annie illustrates with experimental, computational and corpus studies of children acquiring Tsez, Norwegian and English.
Non-ARHU Contributor(s):
Ann C. Gagliardi
This dissertation presents an approach for a productive way forward in the study of language acquisition, sealing the rift between claims of an innate linguistic hypothesis space and powerful domain general statistical inference. This approach breaks language acquisition into its component parts, distinguishing the input in the environment from the intake encoded by the learner, and looking at how a statistical inference mechanism, coupled with a well defined linguistic hypothesis space could lead a learn to infer the native grammar of their native language. This work draws on experimental work, corpus analyses and computational models of Tsez, Norwegian and English children acquiring word meanings, word classes and syntax to highlight the need for an appropriate encoding of the linguistic input in order to solve any given problem in language acquisition.