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July 01, 2011 Linguistics

PHLING, the Philosophy & Linguistics reading group, will meet every Thursday this summer.

Jeff Lidz and Colin Phillips at LSA Institute

June 23, 2011 Linguistics

Jeffrey Lidz and Colin Phillips have been invited to teach courses this summer at the LSA Linguistic Institute, hosted by the University of Colorado at Boulder.

Yakov Kronrod wins NSF Summer Scholarship

June 09, 2011 Linguistics

Yakov Kronrod won an NSF Scholarship to attend the Machine Learning Summer School at Purdue University.

Shevaun Lewis wins College service award

June 06, 2011 Linguistics

Shevaun Lewis has won the College of Arts and Humanities Service award in the category of Graduate Student.

Faculty highlight: Naomi Feldman

June 03, 2011 Linguistics

Naomi Feldman joins the Department of Linguistics as an Assistant Professor in computational psycholinguistics.

Faculty highlight: Ellen Lau

June 01, 2011 Linguistics

Ellen Lau is a new Assistant Professor in the Department of Linguistics, specializing in the cognitive neuroscience of language.

NSF-GRFP grant awarded to Dustin Chacon

April 11, 2011 Linguistics

Dustin Chacón, a first year student, Flagship fellow and Beinecke scholar in the Linguistics department at UMd, has been recently awarded a prestigious NSF-GRFP grant.

Yakov Kronrod wins AAAS Poster Competition

April 07, 2011 Linguistics

A student poster presented by Yakov Kronrod has been named the winning poster in the Math, Technology, and Engineering category at the 2011 AAAS Student Poster Competition.

2010-2011 Arhu Fulbright Recipients

June 04, 2010 Art, Art History and Archaeology, College of Arts and Humanities, College Park Scholars-Arts, Communication, English, Linguistics, Joseph and Rebecca Meyerhoff Program and Center for Jewish Studies, Philosophy, Chinese, French, German Studies, Italian, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese, School of Music

A record 13 students and alumni of the University of Maryland, College Park have been awarded Fulbright grants for 2010-2011, of which nine are ARHU students.

UM Newsdesk

2010-2011 Arhu Fulbright Recipients

June 04, 2010 Art, Art History and Archaeology, College of Arts and Humanities, College Park Scholars-Arts, Communication, English, Linguistics, Joseph and Rebecca Meyerhoff Program and Center for Jewish Studies, Philosophy, Chinese, French, German Studies, Italian, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese, School of Music

A record 13 students and alumni of the University of Maryland, College Park have been awarded Fulbright grants for 2010-2011, of which nine are ARHU students.