Olivia La Fiandra, Dean's Senior Scholar
Distinguished academic performance, leadership and community involvement.
BU conference hears its annual chorus of Terps on the acquisition of syntax, semantics and phonology
Two conference talks by Maša Bešlin on the syntax and interpretation of particles, and an invited talk by Masha on Russian NPE
Hello Clara, Imane, Jack, Leslie, Luisa, Rosa and Xinchi
Work by Yu'an on modal wh-indefinites, and Dan, Jad, Valentine and Jeff on intonation and illocutionary force in acquisition
Shohini, Philip, Colin and several alums at the 26th Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing Conference
What biases do phonological learners use in the face of data that is ambiguous between generalizations of differing complexity?
Congratulations to Alexis Wellwood *14, now Associate Professor of Philosophy with tenure at USC.
Two posters and a talk from semantics at UMD
New grants underwrite projects in semantics and psycholinguistics, syntax and typology, computational linguistics and political science.
Read about new grants, presentations and classes by Rodrigo, Paulina and Polina.