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Showing 331 - 340 of 1193 Results

Naho Orita tenured at Waseda

April 07, 2020 Linguistics

Naho Orita *15 has been promoted to Associate Professor at Waseda University, Tokyo, in its Center for English Language Education in Science and Engineering.

Jeff on elided objects in Korean

March 30, 2020 Linguistics

Jeff Lidz is co-author of a new paper in Linguistic Inquiry, on "Null Objects in Korean."

Terps (sort of) in Philly for PLC44

March 23, 2020 Linguistics

This year's Penn Linguistics Colloquium has two talks from UMD.

Tyler wins Young Scholar award at CUNY

March 21, 2020 Linguistics

Tyler Knowlton has won the Katz Young Scholar Award at the 32nd CUNY Converence on Human Sentence Processing.

Masha inducted into Norwegian Academy

March 20, 2020 Linguistics

Maria Polinsky has been elected to the Norwegian Academy of Science.

Paulina in Glossa

March 13, 2020 Linguistics

Paulina Lyskawa is in Glossa, on the curious behavior of DPs with paucal numerals in Polish, such as "pięć czarownic" ‘five witches’.

UMD at CUNY (virtually)

March 12, 2020 Linguistics

The virtualized CUNY 2020 has Hanna, Tyler, Masato, Mina, Chia-Hsuan and Laurel from LING, as well as Zoe from HESP and Rosa from SLA; postdoctoral fellows Shohini and Andrés Buxó-Lugo; plus a host of faculty from several departments.

Chia-Hsuan and Ellen in LC&N

March 04, 2020 Linguistics

Now in print, "Enough time to get results? An ERP investigation of prediction with complex events" by Chia-Hsuan Liao with advisor Ellen Lau, in Language, Cognition and Neuroscience

WCCFL 38 in Vancouver

February 28, 2020 Linguistics

Yu'an Yang presents "Do children know "whanything"?" at WCCFL 38, joint work with Daniel Goodhue, Valentine Hacquard and Jeffrey Lidz.

Polina and Jad at ECO-5

February 18, 2020 Linguistics

Polina Pleshak and Jad Wehbe are at ECO-5, with "Small nominals in locative phrases" and "Unifying counterfactual and past tense uses of 'kaan' in Lebanese Arabic."